June 25, 2011

A Special Guest Post From Tika

I'm very excited to share with you the recipe and photographs of Tika's take on Buko Salad, a Filipino traditional dessert that's always found on the table of typical Filipino families during town/barrio/baranggay fiestas, Noche Buena (Christmas eve dinner), and Media Noche (New year's eve dinner).

A bit of background :

I stumbled upon Tika's photos in Flickr while I was researching about food styling in general - and that's where we first met and became friends. Technology rules! From then on, I kept myself up to date with her Flickr and blog posts - learning from her tips and techniques, and at the same time being acquainted to Indonesian cooking.

Aside from being a good cook, she's also a very talented food photographer. Tika has a great eye for composition and framing, and I have always admired her taste in layout and lighting. If you have a passion for food and starting to cultivate that food photographer in you, I would definitely suggest that you visit her food photography blog too, where she shares tips, her techniques (with visuals, I must mention!) and tools, and funny stories when she makes food photographs (my favorite hehe). I bet you'd learn a lot from it ;).

So enough about my blah blahs and let's go down to business.

Tika, thank you so much for dedicating this recipe to me :) I really appreciate it! And I'm very glad to hear that you and your hubby enjoyed the Buko salad experience!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the introduction, dear !
    That sounds too much...hehehe...
