I'm Officially On Leave

>> July 13, 2011

The month of July is going to be extremely busy so I'm announcing my leave of absence from food blogging.

I'm getting married!!!

Since Mark and I have taken a year to procrastinate in planning, we are now paying the price of the delay - cramming. We have always pictured a simple and intimate gathering, far from the traditional wedding. But planning a simple celebration wasn't as simple as we thought it would be. Budget, invitations, guests, ceremony, venues - all these things we have to take care of in a very limited time. So wish us luck :)

I might post wedding updates here and there - and maybe, if you like to cram like us, you can get an idea how to plan a wedding in less than 2 months.


Anonymous,  July 15, 2011 at 5:22 PM  

Congratulations and good luck! I think you've done it the best way so much more fun, in a "flying from the seat of your pants" type way!!:D

Tika Hapsari Nilmada July 19, 2011 at 3:36 AM  

OMG....I was too late to read this good news ! I'm so happy for you, Marvie. I hope you can manage everything right and on time. I hope Mark is going to be the first and the last. Amiin.
So happy !!! :) I wish I could be there on your wedding day to capture the important moment of happy couple.

Marvie Yap July 25, 2011 at 6:09 PM  

@Natalie - Thanks so much :) I still have a pending post about your recipe that i like to call a "blockbuster"! Hopefully I can post it within this week. July is indeed super crazy not only about the wedding, but work, and life in general :).

@Tika - Thanks so much too dear! I really wish you could come! And don't worry, there's no divorce here, and even if there is, I will only get married once :) promise!

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Bubble Blahs

I work and live at night time. I am a person deprived of natural light. I rarely cook in the morning as I'm almost always asleep, else busy with house chores. As much as I love natural light in my photography, I'm afraid I don't usually have that luxury, unless I sacrifice my sleep, or make an effort to stay up longer during the day to do a cooking + photo session. So I depend on my flash, and sometimes, available light from my fluorescent bulbs. Although, in my opinion, nothing beats the natural light, I am, so far, satisfied with my shots using my flash that I learned to love.

I always look forward to the weekends for some sunlight.

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