Eggnog Discovery

>> January 3, 2011

Eggnog's not just a cookie after all!

Pardon my ignorance, but I honestly didn't know that eggnog is a holiday drink very popular in European countries. When Mark ask if I can prepare eggnog for Christmas eve, I was confused. This was my idea of eggnog:


It turned out pretty good. Outstanding for a first timer (at least according to Mark). I was glad I did it right the first time because I was desperate to put a little bit of European touch to our Christmas celebration. He's a bit emotional and homesick during the holiday season.

The recipe I followed is found here. Note that this is highly perishable so make sure you just prepare the amount you can finish. In my case, I halved all the ingredients.


3 eggs
1 extra yolk
2 cups whole milk
1/8 tsp. salt
1/4 plus 1 tbsp white sugar
1/2 tbsp. Vanilla powder1
1/2 tsp. grated nutmeg
1/2 cup Jim Beam

1. Whisk the eggs, extra yolk, vanilla powder, salt and sugar in a mixing bowl until well blended.
2. Slowly pour the milk while you whisk. This ensures that the ingredients are well blended in.
3. Turn on your stove in the lowest possible heat. Use a pot (big enough to hold the mixture) and fill it with the mixture.
4. Continue whisking for about 20 minutes. DO NOT BOIL the mixture or it will cook the eggs.

Note: Traditional eggnog doesn't require simmering the mixture. I think this recipe I found recommended to warm it up a bit to lessen the risk of salmonella on eggs.

5. Remove the pot. Use a strainer to transfer it to another bowl, just in case there are pieces of egg that cooked out.
6. Stir in Jim Beam and nutmeg.
7. Cover the mixture and refrigerate for about 4 hours (or until you reach the coldness you wish).

To serve:
Scoop it with a soup ladle and pour in a glass. Top it with whipped cream and stir it in, finish with a dash of nutmeg. I made about 5 servings in this mixture.



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Bubble Blahs

I work and live at night time. I am a person deprived of natural light. I rarely cook in the morning as I'm almost always asleep, else busy with house chores. As much as I love natural light in my photography, I'm afraid I don't usually have that luxury, unless I sacrifice my sleep, or make an effort to stay up longer during the day to do a cooking + photo session. So I depend on my flash, and sometimes, available light from my fluorescent bulbs. Although, in my opinion, nothing beats the natural light, I am, so far, satisfied with my shots using my flash that I learned to love.

I always look forward to the weekends for some sunlight.

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